
You are invited to view the Kulture Klub Collaborative public art exhibit:Decisive Moment: An Exploration of Portraiture, Thursday April 4th at 10:30am at the MN State Capitol. This reception will celebrate the exhibition and Governor Dayton’s support of the Homeless Youth Act (SF565, HF 698).

This collaboration of arts and advocacy allows many ways for you to be involved:

  • Experience the art created by KKC participants
  • Learn with advocates and youth about the Homeless Youth Act
  • Invite your legislators to join you in viewing the exhibit
  • Advocate – share hopes for MN youth with a postcard, a photo or a conversation.
  • Create a presence – there is power in simply showing up! Come and see!

Decisive Moment: An Exploration of Portraiture – Work on view was created collaboratively with artists from Kulture Klub Collaborative and local artist Adriana Rimpel. During the seven-week residency, the group developed a reflex of looking and recognizing important moments while photographing. Through a series of exercises that shifted from looking to questioning, photographing to modeling, questioning to answering, and directing to acting, artists considered the many tactics of portrait photography. In addition, they examined the various identities and personas they wear in their daily lives.

Decisive Moment will be on view at the Youth Opportunity Center gallery throughout the spring.

Website: Kulture Klub at the Capitol